Game developer with experience in casual & mid-core mobile game projects. Highly responsible and self-motivated

CV (en):


  • Programming languages: C# (primary), C++, ActionScript
  • Basic algorithms, patterns and other stuff
  • Work with git/mercurial/svn
  • Technical planning
  • Unity3D
    • Game logic
    • Business logic
    • Editor tools development
    • Zenject, ECS, UniTask, etc.
    • Work with UI, animations & FX
    • Basic content creation skills (for prototyping)
    • In-App purchases, analytics intergation
    • Facebook/GameCenter/GooglePlayGames API intergation
  • Client-server solutions (Photon Server)
  • Multiplayer gameplay (realtime/turn-based)
  • English: read/write - good, speak - average

Professional Interests

  • Program architecture design
  • Game design
  • Casual/midcore mobile games
  • Multiplayer games

See also